
Free Enneagram Webinar: Knowing You

Understanding yourself and others through the Enneagram

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

I have been working really hard on this week’s Substack and I’m so excited it is ready to share with you!

In the past, I have offered my Enneagram webinar, Knowing You, for people who register for a live event. But I wanted to offer it for people to listen to whenever they want, without having to register or find time in their schedules. I wanted it to be a resource people can turn to or share with others.

Today I have for you, my Substack Subscribers, a video presentation of Knowing You! It is odd, I admit, to record by myself in my office (I found it difficult, for example, to keep up my energy) but I like to imagine you listening along. I hope to offer more of these in the future but it might look a little different… I’m still working out the details.

Thanks for reading Compassionate Enneagram! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Here is what you can expect:

  • Introduction to the Enneagram

  • Characteristics and Main Motivations of all 9 Enneagram Types

  • Fun Examples from Movies and Celebrities for each Type

  • Tips for what to do with all of this information

  • Info on your free coaching consultation and coaching

If you watched Knowing You, here are the promised links:

Free Enneagram Assessment

Free Coaching Consultation

I hope this webinar is helpful to you. I love speaking and teaching about the Enneagram whether that is for a workshop, a webinar, or a client one one one and I hope to do more in person events in the future.

Please comment with any thoughts or questions you have! If you prefer email, you can send one to leah@leaheverson.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

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